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I recommend uninstalling old versions of DynamIP BEFORE you try to install new versions!

  1. If you installed DynamIP as an NT Service, you should first uninstall the NT Service.
  2. Start the Control Panel and double-click on the icon Add/Remove Programs.
  3. Locate the entry for DynamIP and select it.
  4. Click on the button Add/Remove to remove DynamIP.

If you ever installed cmuTCP.ocx manually you might also unregister/uninstall that one as follows:

  1. Start a DOS window and go into directory ...\Windows\System
    (or ...WinNT\System32 on Windows NT)
  2. Type regsvr32 /u cmuTCP.ocx (without the quotes) and hit <Enter> key.
    (get regsvr32.exe from here if you don't have it on your system)
  3. Start the Control Panel and double-click on the icon Add/Remove Programs.
  4. Locate the entry for cmuTCP and select it.
  5. Click on the button Add/Remove to remove DynamIP.

Another nice tool to register/unregister ActiveX controls is available here (just in case you don't like regsvr32...).

These uninstall routines won't remove any files that were added to the DynamIP installation directory after the installation, e.g. DynamIP.INI. While you might want to keep your old DynamIP.INI file (especially if you intend to upgrade to a newer version of DynamIP), you can certainly delete all the other files in there and then delete the DynamIP installation directory.

Some early beta versions of DynamIP didn't quite manage to clean up your registry entries for cmuTCP.ocx properly (my apologies). If you feel like cleaning up your registry from all traces of DynamIP you can do the following (only experienced users - don't forget to make a backup of your registry files before you start editing!):

  1. Make a backup of your registry files (e.g. with ERU or some similar utility)
  2. Start the registry editor RegEdit.EXE
  3. Locate the entry for CMUTCP.OCX in
    and remove it.
  4. Close the registry editor.

Last modified: April 05, 1999
OFFLINE visitors since May 1, 1998

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